Families(Page 86)


Family members can hurt each other enough to cut-off relations.

Some struggles includes in-laws (grandparents). Some families have adoption and interracial complexity. Siblings each have their own version of the family.

Families seek help for emotional and religious changes, financial and educational challenges, or transgender issues.

In a new wrinkle on an old problem, some families have a secret jihadist, whose existence is revealed by the F.B.I. Secrets may wreak havoc on family relationships.

When a new family is blended after re-marriage, struggles intensify.

As a family coach, I help cut-off families to repair, blended families to knit together, and new family members or ideas to integrate.


His, hers, and but not “ours”– our blended family was exploding. My husband and son weren’t speaking. My sister was fighting with me on behalf of her nephew, and my parents were making trouble with financial “support” only for “my” kids. Our previous therapist brought us to the brink of disaster. Candida saved our family. – C (NC)

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